Wednesday, 12 November 2008

The Asylum Gets An Outing!

Mourning My Darlings!

3 Months is too long I am so sorry my darlings, you should not go through that. Gahh So much, so so much, yet so little, oh so little time. With this snatchlet of time my darling, oh yes my darlings, I would like to recount to you the many outings that the asylum has had. which have obviously had effect on the clear sanity of ones mind, thus throwing one in to a emotional roller coaster if I may say so myself. 'Tis now 5am in the morning so you will have to 'scuse some of my grammar and technical English language as I type like a mad man on speed. Ahhhhh my brain, so much to write, so little brain space.

Indeed it is true, the asylum got an outing well few but lets start at the beginning. See what happens if you are nice to the doctors? Well, speaking of doctors... I had the chance to go and see David Tennant play Hamlet at the RSC. My first proper Shaggspeare play, I have been to see some of the RSC shaggspeare musicals. However, I must say that the whole play was mentally astounding, I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. The actors, Oh the actors. Find me a way to get on a stage like them and I will take it. Even if it entails murder and sanity. Aha! well maybe that's how I shall get on the stage. MURDER. Of course this would end up in the murder of me and no one else (fore it is widely known that I die in most plays I'm in.)But how will I make them see? how how? damb school scuppers all my roles my typecasting me. I can shout; I get it. Bitches. To hell with them. anyhow, I thought David Tennant in the role of hamlet was amazing, his madness scenes I could relate to.. well very near enough anyway. The girl... yes her, whom played Ophelia , wait for it, Maria Gale, brilliant. Perfect:

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember: and there is pansies. that's for thoughts. [To King.]There's fennel for you, and columbines. [To Queen.] There's rue for you; and here's some for me: we may call it herb of grace a' Sundays. You may wear your rue with a difference. There's a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died. They say he made a good end— "Act 4 Scene 5.

'Tis true I will have to remember that quote. Anyway back to the Hamlet outing. I found Patrick Stewart's performance rather disappointing. Alas him being trained as a classical actor rather hindered his performance. How ever the experience was mind blowing, to see some of Britain's best actors on stage in front of me.

Moving on to another outing I have been too. Yes My darling the time has come and gone and I loved it wildly. Oh my life it was, indescribable, unexplainable, Ecstasy. Truly a pinnacle point for the asylum. Well being Miss Autumn's Gate tour we were allowed glimpses of her asylum, whom are in it, why and what is happening. Well, Well, they played the most beautiful peaces. When I say they, I do mean Miss Emilie and her Bloody Crumpets. Yes, New Crumpets! The rumours are true my darlings, unfortunately this means that some of the other crumpets weren't there. Miss Maggot was the newest companion, a brilliant act of madness. She is a darling pirate, who try's to make everyone walk the plank or into her cutlass. The gig was brilliant though. She sang extremely well that evening and some of my favourite songs too. The Art Of Suicide was brilliantly dramatized by the crumpets, as was Manic Depression on of my favourites of EA’s own composed violin shredders (‘tis my ring tone.) It was beautiful, to the point of crying, but alas I didn’t fore it would have ruined my makeup.

Oh and also I forgot a most fabulous thing, well except for Emilie of course. The Costumes! they were amazing, Miss maggot as you can see, has a very inspirational costume. Being a pirate, she carries a sword to her side and wears a darling pirate hat, her corset is laced tightly and her striped stocking with bloomers and a garter belt. Her bright orange hair just finishes off the outfit. Now, to Emilie’s outfits; she had 3. The first, and most glitzy is her mouse one. Grey stockings, grey hot pants with lots of lace and frills may I add, attached to the hot pants there was a mouse tail wrapped in bandages (poor poor mouse). Then the corset, and what a corset! Grey diamante, white boning with a white heart. I don’t think this was laced too tight though, otherwise Madam Emilie wouldn't have sounded so lovely. Protruding from the corset was a grey lacy top, with a high collar and open front this was sleeveless, but to combat the cold (not that it was cold in there, but it was cold outside) She had a beautiful pair of gauntlets, grey of course to carry on the theme but also with a shredded effect on the cuffs. And then to finish this outfit off, she had a pair of darling mouse ears attached to that bright pink mane of hers. Her third outfit, a cute nightgown that reached to the middle of her thigh, there was some slight tares to the garment, but it all added to the effect. [=

Notice: I hope you all have been watching the very educational series “Stephen Fry In America” indeed it is the last episode on Sunday at 9pm BBC 1. Ahhhhh, and soon he will be doing “Last Chance To See” he is filming now and you can see what he has been up too on Afrycam

Well, well, thank you for reading about my outings my darlings. Maybe if we are good the Doctors will let us out… Or they will think it’s just a ploy to make them think that we are being good, so our efforts don’t get recognised the way in which we wish them to be interpreted. This leaves a lot to be desired… in whether we should put the effort in or not. Anyhow, as a buzzing busy bee I have been, I have to get on with coursework and grease rehearsals and such, so sorry if you don’t hear from me in a while. We will also be speaking when I am a year older. 16 enables you to do such a lot, Maybe I will have privileges in the Asylum? whom will know, well the doctors will of course.

I give what I can of my heart to you.